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Reviews of the Tennessee Birdwalk Line Dance


Thanks to all those who contributed these reviews.


"Been dancing The Tennessee Bird Walk at our Club in Crewe for about 3 Weeks now.  Its a real floor filler and the music & lyrics are very catchy.  NICE ONE MORAGH."


John Twigg,
Crewe, England
June 1st 2005


"This dance was choreographed by Moragh, a keen dancer in my Crewe U3A beginner/improver class.  It is a beginner/improver dance to a jaunty humorous song. The 64 step sequence is varied and appropriate for this level.  The group found it reasonably easy to learn and liked dancing to the music."

Suzanne Edwards
Wistaston, Crewe, England
June 1st 2005


"Your dance is a very good dance.  It is easy and comfortable to do.  I like dances like that for use in teaching beginners.  I first taught it and used "Cab Driver" by the Mills Brothers.  It slowed the dance down just a little and went extremely well with that music.  I also taught it to "Tennessee Birdwalk".  My people enjoyed performing your dance and we will use it many times as I like to use many different songs to the same dance.

My goal is to teach the people that come to me how to dance, and not necessarily a particular dance, so they can dance with other people in other places.  Your dance has eight different things we do in line dance. Thanks for the dance."


Bobby Joe Meadows
Washington DC, USA
October 5th 2005


"Just love that number by Jack Blanchard and Misty Morgan.  It is still a real fun number after all these years, and we still do the line dance Tennessee Bird Walk to it in Eastbourne, East Sussex complete with all our attempts at bird noises whilst we dance it. It's a great fun dance ..... I suppose we have been dancing it for about six months or so.  The other instructor I go to plays it as well."


Brian Carter
Eastbourne, East Sussex
September 23rd 2006

(Brian was unaware that this was my dance at the time he wrote this review which he posted on MySpace)



"What can I say about this quirky little dance.  Such a favourite with beginners and intermediates.
Done with attitude it livens up any line dance session – the steps are easy to follow and the combination of steps makes the dance Interesting.  Done to a very entertaining track by Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan – listen to the words whilst dancing.  It has proved very popular when done at Socials."


Brenda Sutton
Bronze Bootscooters
Wallasey, Merseyside
January 18th 2008



"I can't remember where I heard about your dance. It may have been on the internet because I get a lot of the dances I teach from there. I taught it to my class at the beginning of last year and it went down very well. I taught it mainly because of the music, as I do with most of the dances I teach."


Ray Cadden
Spirit of the West
September 26th 2008



"I watched The Birdwalk (line dance video) .... and your choreography is GREAT!!!
Nice to look at, not too hasty ... and the lifting of the leg with the "whistle"....I enjoyed that very much !! *grin*.   Congratulations !!!"

Dot Brown
Hanover, Germany
October 14th 2008


(To see the video that Dot was referring, go to the bottom of the Step Sheet page.)


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